Sunday, March 24, 2013

Know me better...

So I was planning a long time to introduce myself properly to all of you there who visit me...and here I am:

My name is Cristina (without H), 23 years old, born and raised in Arad, Romania.
I finished my bachelor degree (Romanian Language and Literature-English Language and Literature) as a valedictorian and this is the most important thing that I have accomplished (until now- who knows how many things I will do and I will be proud of?). Now, I am writing my master thesis at the University of Copenhagen.
Yes, I live in Copenhagen, Denmark. In August 2011, when I first stepped out from the bus in Copenhagen, I felt so small in this big world but I knew I could make it somehow. And here I am, almost two years later, writing my master thesis and finishing my degree...It was a wonderful experience that changed me almost completely. And still does.
This is me from 2006-2013, just to have an idea of who I am:

a crazy teenager in search of its true self...

 ...still searching...

 ...and searching even though I finished high school...

 Enjoying life as a student... hair...RED forever :)

 Valedictorian. Student at University of Copenhagen.

 Life in Copenhagen

 and NOW :
  I found my true self, no worries...

So this is me...I have no photos from my early childhood since I am in Denmark and all my other stuff are still home. But you can live with that, I'm sure of it :)
Sometimes, I really miss being a stupid and crazy teenager and I am sure that I would change a lot of things if I would have the chance but I must admit that all those stupid things made me the woman that I am today. I learned a lot, cried a lot, laughed a lot and then cried even more, I gave everything and received nothing in return, I stole and I felt ashamed, I lied and I wanted to run away, I read, I danced, I had hope, I lost hope, I loved and still do, I was skinny and now I want to be skinny again, I was shy but now I am proud of myself, I fought my way to the top and I reached it, I listened, I walked away, I waited, I made love, I was hurt but I kept it to myself, I cried once again but I kept going on...And this, this is all me.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fire and Ice

First day in Iceland...
I planned this trip in December 2012, when my brilliant friend - Armina Ilea ( told me that I should visit her and so, visit Iceland...and the idea smiled to me and I started planning it. And at the end of February 2013, after surviving the end of the world, I landed on this wonderful island.
Of course, I asked Armina if Iceland is a windy country and her answer was... "No, it is a really nice weather, no wind and not very cold." Yeah, sure...
When I arrived in Reykjavik, it was sooo windy and raining...but we still went for a walk, just to see how I can get around the small city. And I was quite impressed from the first day... Here are some photos from my first day in Iceland/Reykjavik:
               The haunted house...its story in a future post!

                Yes, so you can see that it was raining and it was windy... :)

                A stylized viking ship...with a great sky of FIRE & ICE... I was amazed!!!

                                 Harpa - the concert hall

 The main street:

We came back when it was dark and I've waited for the Northern Lights to appear but there was nothing...
The South Shore Adventure was waiting for me the next day... :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

First Trip first flight

And there I was...ready to have my first trip all alone...Scared but tremendously happy, I was heading to the airport, knowing nothing of what an airport looked or felt like. It was my first flight in my whole life and I was soooo scared. I even had a fight with my boyfriend because I just couldn't understand why he was telling me that it was nothing to be scared about when I just needed him to tell me that I will get safe to..ICELAND! Yes, I am paranoid. Yes, I watched too many movies with plane crashes :) and Yes, IT WAS MY FIRST FLIGHT!!!
I arrived at the airport 2 hours before, checked in (of course I had to ask 3 times where and what I have to do) and went to wait for another hour till my flight. And I boarded the plane, put my stuff away and...we took off...what an AMAZING feeling...Oh, my was just incredible...and all 3 hours I was watching the skies and the see and I felt like I can conquer the world...yeah, just like a kid, I know.

And we I said: Hello, Iceland! and my adventure began...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cântec de mamă

M-am gândit ca primul meu post să fie in română...și asta doar pentru a mă cunoaște mai binișor. Și pentru asta, cred că cel mai bine e sa postez poezia mamei mele dedicată nașterii mele...Te iubesc, Mamă!

Cântec de mamă

Undeva la geana vieţii
Zorii invăluie-n lumină
Și parfumul dimineţii
Face clipa mai senină.

Puiul mamii s-a născut
Din durere și tristeţe
Din iubire și sărut
Și din prima tinereţe.

N-au venit să-i cânte zâne
N-a fost dusă intr-un palat
Zile multe și senine
Numai mama i-a urat!

Voi incerca să o traduc cât de cât in engleză și pentru ceilalţi... :) Dar mâine. 

 Mă numesc Cristina Veronica, am 23 de ani, născută in Arad, Romania. Aș vrea ca acest nou blog să combine dragostea mea pentru călătorii, pasiunea pentru fotografie, obsesia pentru mancare și plăcerea de a fapt e un mic colţișor cu discuţii despre viaţă aceea se și numește Addictive Confessions - Of Life and Other Vices (Confesiuni ce dau dependenţă - despre viaţă și alte vicii)